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HUH? Cutting the grass?


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I had to cut the grass today!! It's freaken MARCH! In Pennsylvania! What the heck is going on with this weather? Whatever it is............I'm NOT complaining, but it sure is weird!

I like weird. :jester:

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SHOOOOOT.... I fertilized my yard almost two weeks ago. I usually shoot for the middle of March but man, I should have shot for the beginning this year. lol


This is my first time with this yard, so it's not up to my standards, but I'll get it there.



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lol I am on my third cut for this season! I just sprayed msma to kill some yearly weeds and sticker weeds. Gonna throw out some 13-13-13 and let that work for a few weeks and step back down to some 13-8-8 on my Bermuda...... gotta get it looking good this year lol!

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Thanks for the reminder to fertilize my grass when I get home today! It's been 70 degrees here all week. I'm not complaining either! Love this weather for detailing.


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^ Ray, my hearts breakin' for ya, really...^ :jester:



I'm out on the deck typing this and have noticed the grass needs cutting in spots but no dandelions. We have 3 days of rain forecast so it'll get cut this weekend or Monday PM. Saturday the garage and I have a date scheduled with Mama's TBSS.

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We haven't mowed our 3 acres as of yet. I do have daffodils and tulips coming up though. I think they are confused.


There have been times in the past that I have taken some neat pictures of my flowers with snow on them. I hope that doesn't happen this year. :xfingers:



I am loving this weather!! mw0_best-smilies.gifmw0_best-smilies.gif

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82 here today. Took a long ride, stopped for an Orange Julius early, then rode some more, had a great steak at Longhorn, then found a guy with a tent set up selling kettle corn on the side of the highway. Wife loves it, so we stopped and bought a bag. Sure FEELS like summer! :2thumbs:

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mowed the jungle of a yard i had today...i noticed it needed cut my first day on of my rotation so with leaving when its dark and getting home in the dark it had to wait and boy it was high lol...got fertilizer down a few days ago so im sure ill be back out in 2 days

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