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Do you guys get grief for cleaning your rides?


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hey all. Was wondering if you get people giving you **** about cleaning your rides. I do all the time, and holy hell is it annoying.


I LOVE my truck. if im not cleaning it, im working on it in the driveway. Always doing something to it. Its my hobby. Everyone is always giving me **** over it. Anytime i wash my car i get people passing by saying "your gonna wash the paint off that thing", my neightbors are always saying, "your washing that thing AGAIN". My parents are always busting my chops, my sisters say dont you have anything better to do then wash your truck. My next door neighbor owns a body shop. everytime he comes home he always yells "now what the hell are you doing to it", then proceeds to come over and tell me how all cars are pieces of ****, new cars suck, they all fall apart, break, electrical issues. etc. etc.


Its so annoying, to the point where sometimes i go up to the local self car wash and clay and wax my truck there, just so i can do it in peace.


Anyone of you other guys get this vibe from people?

Edited by Mook@Adams
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Luckily, here you are among friends and like minded people. We all have to deal with people that don't get it, usually nosy neighbors, and have similar tales. Most people like to give me crap about the amount of vehicles I own, others about the amount of work and care. Luckily, I come from a big family of gearheads, so I never have to worry about it coming from that direction!

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My neighbors give me the dirtiest looks.

My parents alway say "Why don't you just take it to the car wash?" They hate my hobby and it kills me.


However, I have two really close friends who also love washing their cars. They are doing it wrong but we always tell each other that "We have our own system" as in way of doing it. If my friends are happy with their rides, then so am I!


TL:DR I get grief too but I live with it.

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I am going to give that a try, thanks Tony


I even have her come into the garage and I show her all the steps involved in washing and polishing and explain to her what each product does. It's at that point she realizes what a pita it can be and goes back inside the house. ?

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I even have her come into the garage and I show her all the steps involved in washing and polishing and explain to her what each product does. It's at that point she realizes what a pita it can be and goes back inside the house. ?


I know there were several days last summer she thought I should be mowing the lawn or doing other items of yard work! I thought it more important to be cleaning the truck. There were a few days she was not a happy camper with me, but it sure feels good driving to work in a nice clean truck!:2thumbs:

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Like pretty much everyone here...I get the same thing. I just have one question...if I am not bothering anyone...why do they care what I am doing?



My guess is guilt. They realize their cars are filthy but are too lazy to really do anything about it. Or they just see their vehicle as an appliance and nothing more.

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I have been hearing the same since I learned to drive.


My wife has learned to except it after 13 years.now she just comes out now and watches with the 3 year old that tries to help.

I usually get the how come you take so long to wash the truck. Or it's just going to rain this week why are you washing it.

Now my company car goes through the car wash but its hard not to hand wash it



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I get heckled from pretty much everyone..except my girlfriend. She really enjoys the truck, even more so when its clean. Open budget and time policy when it comes to cleaning the vehicles. Oh no. Thats how I ended up here. haha


But I pretty much get the same thing, mostly from neighbors and customers. Things that have already been said in this thread like -


you're going to wash the paint off


OMG you are washing it again, you just washed it!


Why do you have them mud tires if it never goes in the mud


I didnt know there was so much mud around the mall to need those tires.




All while they have beat up disgusting vehicles lol

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Hah, my wife pretty well understands me, but today she called me on it. I have a big show tomorrow. It's raining today. So, I'm doing what everyone else on this forum would be doing; washing my truck in the rain. She came home, looked at me and went in the house. later she called me a wacko and is afraid what the neighbors think now. She was kidding, and deep down she probably expected me to be washing it, but catching me doing it in the driveway I guess was a shocker.

Otherwise she's good, just everyone else asks how I keep everything so clean.


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So im not alone here haha. My biggest problem is that waxing or claying a car is theraputic to me lol. I love to sit in leace and quiet and just wax my car. So relaxing, so satisfying. Then you get all these people coming up to you busting your balls.


How would you like it if i went up to you while you sun bathing at the beach, or reading your book on your front porch and yelled "your reading ANOTHER BOOK" or "your tanning again!"


I guess people just have nothing better to do then complain.


Atleast i know we're all the same here. :2thumbs:

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Agreed because I feel the same as you! I realized that's exactly why I love detailing so much. I even opened my services up to others so I have more cars to do than my own. :)


I get lots of grief for it though. Especially from my dad.. He just doesn't understand that I don't mind detailing a car in this cold weather. He's so worried about either me getting sick or the hose freezing..neither has happened yet. As long as it's not precipitating, i'm detailing a car - whether it be my own or someone else's. In the summer, forget it! Apparently I wash the paint off my car according to everyone. There is also this Hyundai Santa Fe full of tool kids that drive by me all the time always making a comment.. Gotta figure out who they are soon.

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I don't get grief, it's more like begrudging respect... Kind of like "that Rich is obsessed, but his car is always the cleanest one in the neighborhood." But I also keep the lawn nice, the bushes trimmed, and everything else looking nice, so I'm sure the neighbors appreciate that. In fact, I wish some of them put in a little more effort on those fronts as well! :lol:

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When I was younger I use to get it but lately, just the random "mines next" line, but thats cool. The wife knows the deal so she's cool, unless the kids are acting the fools is the only time she really cares about me being out there. But nowadays I'm not washing them like I use to, just no time with a business and 3 little kids, so thats prob some of it. A lot of times I wash at random times so a lot of my neighbors are at work! lol

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Get it all the time from the neighbors. The typical "you're gonna wash the paint off that thing"' or "mine's next". The next door neighbor mom (very good looking by the way), will even pull her van in the driveway right behind my truck when I'm in the wash process. Other times they just drive by shaking their head lol

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