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Wisdom Teeth Extraction


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Hey everyone, I am getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow.The Dr. has to put me to sleep for the surgery which I have never been before; so I am nervous about that and just the after effect. I dont want to have any complications from it. Just was wondering if anyone had any advice or stories they wanted to share? :xfingers: Thank You

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I was awake for mine, they just gave me nitrous (but I couldn't talk them into giving me a "doggie bag"). I walked out but I was loopy for a little while. Others I know who were put under were more or less carried out and slept for the bulk of the day. Either way, you'll be popping pain pills and laying around for a few days afterward.

I should probably mention my experience was in the early '90s, so it may be easier now.

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I've had all four of mine removed at once. I was put to sleep as all four were impacted .....it just hurts to swallow the pain meds afterwards. You'll be fuzzy for the first few hours afterwards.


Most I portably....Mook hit it. No straws!!!!!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Ill share my story cause it was good LOL


I was freaked out as well, never had major dental work before hand. So I go in, and theres this old guy sitting in the room whom Ive never seen before. Apparently he is their wisdom tooth extraction "specialist". So I lay down, he shoots me up with Novocaine and pushes the regular tool cart away, and pulls out his roll of tools and lays them out on an empty tray. All the old school stuff. Im like, "you gotta knock me out man, I can deal with this" he's just like, "dont worry, Im a pro". So he goes about his business, breaking and yanking. Gets em all out, my regular dentist writes me a script for some Oxy's. I had the first appt of the day, so it was about 10:30am when I left. Picked up my prescription and went home. Couple hours later, Im sitting on the couch watching TV, the Novocaine had long wore off, and I realized I was feeling pretty good, just a little tender (never did take a pill) so I decided to go back to work. Finished out the rest of the day and decided to stop by my old man's house on the way home. Hey, good thing I showed up, his GF was working late so he had an extra rib-eye. OOOhhh I do love the rib-eye's. But how am I gonna eat steak when I just had all 4 wisdom teeth yanked? Well, might as well not let it go to waste, so I gave it a shot and made due just trying to avoid eating too far back. I was a damn good steak, and I headed home. Never from that point on did I have any major pains from it, just some tenderness like loosing a tooth when I was a kid, nothing a Tylenol couldnt take care of. Never did take any of the Oxy's.


So dont sweat it, it could be good, it could be bad. But I wouldnt worry about it so much, gotta do it regardless. Hopefully all will go well with you as well.

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i was lucky! i only grew 2 wisdom teeth even though i'm the brainchild of the family :D


i didn't have to have surgery, mine grew in and the dentist pulled them like a normal tooth with me awake and numbed with a local. listen to what the doc says after the surgery and follow it to a T! you don't want to end up with dry sockets where the teeth are pulled which could lead to infection! the pain meds are fun :jester:

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I had two removed at a time. The first time, I went home, ate pizza and left for vacation a few hours later - took one of the pain pills, then not even asprin later.


Second time - came back from vacation (different vacation, years later) and had two removed, went home took a Vicodin, went to work the next day. I loved the way Vicodin made me feel and thought about taking another one, but realized I didn't need it, just wanted it. The stuff is dangerous and I disposed of it so I wouldn't be tempted.

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I just had all 4 of mine removed last Wednesday. The tops are a breeze, it's the bottom ones you have to worry about and give you pain. It'll hurt to swallow and you won't be able to open your mouth all the way for a few days. Today I am ALMOST to the point where I can open it entirely. For the first day, eat nothing but soft foods, you hurt, pudding, ice cream, applesauce, etc. Keep ice packs on your face to reduce the swelling, I did this the first day and had no swelling. Next you'll want to make sure to keep the bottom sockets completely clean of food. They will give you a syringe to irrigate the sockets. They will recommend warm salt water rinses, which I find beneficial. You want to try and keep from chewing and irritating the sockets. Just keep them clean!


Finally, I was eating solid foods the day after the extraction, I just needed to cut the food up into small bites and chew towards the front and slowly. Other than that, nothing to worry about.


I'm almost back to normal.


I was also asleep for it. I remember the Doc coming in, sticking the needle in my arm, asking about school and then the next thing I know I'm waking up in the recovery bed.

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yeah it just hurts for a couple days, nothing that some over the counter pain killers wont fix. I hate Narcotic painkillers they mess me up bad.


Just make sure you follow the directions and keep the holes clean, and do not drink out of staws. You wont be able to eat anything for a couple days that you will have to chew with your bak molors. So you will have to eat soft foods. just make sure you get some protien somehow, yogurt is a good thing to have.


Make sure you have someone pick you up obviously because you wont be able to drive yourself home, and make sure they get the directions from the doctor because you will be loopy and wont remember.

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i work in a hospital and we put people out all the time for minor procedures. (i work in the ER but have worked in the endoscopy unit a few times). When we need to put someones shoulder or hip back in place, o something like that, colonoscopy/endoscopys we knock em out. Its nothing to worry about. You work yourself up more then anything, when its not bad at all.


You just fall asleep, you feel like you slept for hours when it was only like 10 minutes, and then you wake up groggy and a little confused. But the dr. and nurse will be right there when you wake up and talk you through everything, remind you your okay, and where you are. etc.


Its really the easiest thing youll do, dont work yourself up! Just enjoy the nap, itll be the best sleep you ever got!

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Let's see. For the top two I told the oral surgeon I loved her, I fought the anesthesia so long and so well the Doc told me I'd make average spy. The giant receptionist had to lay across my legs at one point because I tried getting up. At a very busy intersection I told my wife to go at a red light and didn't calm down until we hit the Stevenson Expressway and she was able to find Dark Side of the Moon on the iPod.

The first two came out when I was in HIGH School and tolerated NO2 so well I walked home after the surgery.

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I had all four of mine removed the at the same time. I walked in was little nervous about it. The surgeon came out and said come on back. He started talking about hobbies next thing I remember was he said we make squirrel gravy here every morning have you ever had any and bam I was lights out for three hours. When I woke up I remember tell him since I had a five minute nap it was time to get to work so I could go home. He said we are done and next thing I remember was him saying since you asked for your teeth here they are.


Pain medication I took two pills (one after I got home and the next one in the middle of the morning). My memory is they were Percocet.


I remember something about a straw but thats all.


ICE PACKS are you friend the first day. Wrap the pack with a paper towel and it will keep your skin from freezing. Remember packs on for a certain time then off for so long then back on for so long.

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I have had mine out with no big deal, and not getting knocked out. First time I was knocked out was this last June for sinus surgery. I was nervous myself. Remember everything slowing down as I was being wheeled into OR. I remember looking at the lights on the ceiling then waking up 3.5 hours later and told everything was done. I think everybody is nervous the first time they get knocked out.


Had a cousin that was in the Marine Corp when he had is out. Doctor come in and did all his work. The Doctor looks at him after he was done, and I guess he was pale white. Doc say's "are you OK son?" His response was "weren't you suppose to give me something to numb me up?" Doctor just got up and left.

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Had all four done while I was awake....they let me listen to my "walkman"....I still remember, Pearl Jam Ten. By the time the album was done, I was done, and no issues. I've been under once in a surgery, no big deal man, you'll be fine. One of the most common procedures around.

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Alright everything went smooth and I did great just drinking lots of water and gatorade right now, taking my meds, eating applesauce and some mashed potatoes soon. Ill keep everyone posted thank you to everyone for the support I really appreciate it.

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