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Adams has made my matte vinyl stripes a mess



Normally when I wash I just take some waterless wash to my stripes at the end to even them out a bit. After seeing several posts on the forums as well as reading the thread dedicated to the subject, I decided to try some suggestions. So far I have tried:


1. Brilliant Glaze

2. VRT

3. Brilliant Glaze followed by VRT


These products have left my stripes an uneven, blotchy mess. I'm beyond frustrated and aggravated. I have applied and buffed, and buffed, and buffed as is mentioned in the video and it just doesn't work. It looks awful. 


I have a ceramic coating curing on the paint, wheels and trim. Pulling it out and giving it another wash is not an option right now. What is recommended?

Edited by GaresTaylan
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Normally when I wash I just take some waterless wash to my stripes at the end to even them out a bit. After seeing several posts on the forums as well as reading the thread dedicated to the subject, I decided to try some suggestions. So far I have tried:


1. Brilliant Glaze

2. VRT

3. Brilliant Glaze followed by VRT


These products have left my stripes an uneven, blotchy mess. I'm beyond frustrated and aggravated. I have applied and buffed, and buffed, and buffed as is mentioned in the video and it just doesn't work. It looks awful. 


I have a ceramic coating curing on the paint, wheels and trim. Pulling it out and giving it another wash is not an option right now. What is recommended?


I applied Brilliant Glaze by hand on my matte black vinyl stripes on my black Dodge Challenger R/T Classic and got the same blotchy and uneven results. The Brilliant Glaze will permanently make matte vinyl stripes darker and more of a "satin" finish. The only way I was able to even it out was to use Brilliant Glaze on the red foam pads on my Cyclo polisher. It actually made the pads black (I got the pads clean again) so the glaze is permanently changing the finish on the stripes. Now the sheen is evened out and essentially looks like there's VRT on it all the time. It looks great for what it is but now it's very difficult to see the black stripes over the black paint unless the light hits it just right. I wouldn't have done it if I knew it would permanently darken them and add a sheen, but as it is, it does look very good.  

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I am assuming these are vinyl stripes, but are they matte or gloss?


Per the title, matte vinyl. 


I applied Brilliant Glaze by hand on my matte black vinyl stripes on my black Dodge Challenger R/T Classic and got the same blotchy and uneven results. The Brilliant Glaze will permanently make matte vinyl stripes darker and more of a "satin" finish. The only way I was able to even it out was to use Brilliant Glaze on the red foam pads on my Cyclo polisher. It actually made the pads black (I got the pads clean again) so the glaze is permanently changing the finish on the stripes. Now the sheen is evened out and essentially looks like there's VRT on it all the time. It looks great for what it is but now it's very difficult to see the black stripes over the black paint unless the light hits it just right. I wouldn't have done it if I knew it would permanently darken them and add a sheen, but as it is, it does look very good.  



I have been able to make it a little better. I had to really layer the VRT on there and buff and buff with a couple of towels in a cross hatch pattern. It still doesn't look anywhere near how it should. Now that I have researched even further Ive also seen results where people state their VRT runs down onto the paint when it rains. Yikes. 


Luckily the black stripes are on white, metallic paint. But it just looks really off now. Im hoping that with subsequent washes it will eventually even back out, but sounds like that isn't the case. 

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I'm thinking that there are many different kinds of vinyl materials, at varying levels of age stages.  I have many vinyl letter logo'd vehicles and some react differently to products.  Some receive the product better than others.  I think I'd personally wait till your coatings are done and dry, then try cleaning your vinyl with waterless wash, maybe apc, to try and level out or remove the product.  

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Before you go adding more chemicals to the mix, I suggest you TEST it on a small spot and see if there's any reaction.  Right now it's probably fixable.  Doing more may make it worse.  Right now, the team is in Palm Springs for Barrett Jackson.  I have NO experience with these stripes so I don't want to give you advice on this, so maybe when Dan or Adam come back one of them can help you out with the right thing to do.  For now, I'd let it go.  

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I applied Brilliant Glaze by hand on my matte black vinyl stripes on my black Dodge Challenger R/T Classic and got the same blotchy and uneven results. The Brilliant Glaze will permanently make matte vinyl stripes darker and more of a "satin" finish. The only way I was able to even it out was to use Brilliant Glaze on the red foam pads on my Cyclo polisher. It actually made the pads black (I got the pads clean again) so the glaze is permanently changing the finish on the stripes. Now the sheen is evened out and essentially looks like there's VRT on it all the time. It looks great for what it is but now it's very difficult to see the black stripes over the black paint unless the light hits it just right. I wouldn't have done it if I knew it would permanently darken them and add a sheen, but as it is, it does look very good.


This is where I am wondering if the uneven look is resulting from dirty stripes with build up on them? Seeing the pads turned black means the stripes were contaminated in this specific example. And the glaze Cyclo combo was knocking that out well. So that's where I wonder if some cleaning prep needs to be done on the stripes prior to applying any of the three methods mentioned in this post. I'm with you Rich, not having much experience with Stripes myself, I think it would be best to await more feedback. Curious to see what the consensus is here. Edited by Junior
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Hi Joe, 


I'm sorry that you're having these issues, and I understand how frustrated you feel right now. To best help troubleshoot this issue, I'll need a little more information if you don't mind:


- Make and model of the vehicle, age of the vinyl stripes?

- Are the stripes factory or aftermarket applied?

- Do you have any pictures that you can share of the affected areas?

- Did the stripes have any other issues before applying the Brilliant Glaze and VRT?


If there are now layers of uneven product, it may take something like Finishing Polish to remove extra product. I would not recommend Strip Wash or diluted APC just to be on the safe side. I've used Revive Hand Polish with a blue foam Hex Grip applicator to repair some matte black stripes on a Z06 before with good results, but it did slightly darken the stripes. They still had a matte finish with a slight amount of satin sheen to them. I've been finding recently that Ceramic Boost works great as an option for matte stripes as well. If you don't have either of these products, I can send you them on us as troubleshooting items, just send me a PM and I'll be happy to help.


Again I do apologize for the headaches. Please let me know how I can help out further.




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This is where I am wondering if the uneven look is resulting from dirty stripes with build up on them? Seeing the pads turned black means the stripes were contaminated in this specific example. And the glaze Cyclo combo was knocking that out well. So that's where I wonder if some cleaning prep needs to be done on the stripes prior to applying any of the three methods mentioned in this post. I'm with you Rich, not having much experience with Stripes myself, I think it would be best to await more feedback. Curious to see what the consensus is here.

No. The car was brand new. I even had to have the stripes on one of the panels replaced when it needed a repaint from a small scrape. I had to apply Brilliant Glaze with the Cyclo to make the new stripe piece match the original remaining pieces. The Brilliant Glaze actually removes or levels down some of the "texture" that gives the vinyl its matte finish; that's what's on the pads. When I first applied Brilliant Glaze by hand it made it blotchy. The Cyclo made it even, but it physically altered the finish. They are no longer truly matte with a subtle rough texture, they're smooth and have a satin sheen. I would recommend never using anything other than soap and water on matte vinyl stripes, and never let a polisher near it, or even rub too hard by hand. But, I can see someone liking the look it created. It looks like it's got VRT on it all the time. I've since sealed it with both Liqud Paint Sealant and Americana. Those products didn't make it any glossier after I used the Brilliant Glaze/Cyclo application.

Edited by dconsmack
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Hi Joe,


I'm sorry that you're having these issues, and I understand how frustrated you feel right now. To best help troubleshoot this issue, I'll need a little more information if you don't mind:


- Make and model of the vehicle, age of the vinyl stripes?

- Are the stripes factory or aftermarket applied?

- Do you have any pictures that you can share of the affected areas?

- Did the stripes have any other issues before applying the Brilliant Glaze and VRT?


If there are now layers of uneven product, it may take something like Finishing Polish to remove extra product. I would not recommend Strip Wash or diluted APC just to be on the safe side. I've used Revive Hand Polish with a blue foam Hex Grip applicator to repair some matte black stripes on a Z06 before with good results, but it did slightly darken the stripes. They still had a matte finish with a slight amount of satin sheen to them. I've been finding recently that Ceramic Boost works great as an option for matte stripes as well. If you don't have either of these products, I can send you them on us as troubleshooting items, just send me a PM and I'll be happy to help.


Again I do apologize for the headaches. Please let me know how I can help out further.




Hi Dan,


-2017 Abarth 124 Spider

-Stripes are about 30 days old. Aftermarket but an approved 3rd party by the dealer.

-I will see if I can get some pictures later. I am heading out for work now.

-No problem. They were more or less flawless.


The most recent wash was completed using strip wash so I could work on a full clay, correction and ceramic coat. No discoloration or anything before working on the stripes. I have some revive and ceramic boost, but my blue hex is shot and needs replaced. I only have orange and red hex readily available and cyclo pads until I get a new order in. I also noticed when i got home yesterday that the VRT has caused the stripes to be a dust magnet. Nowhere else on the vehicle was nearly as dusty.

Edited by GaresTaylan
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I'm thinking that there are many different kinds of vinyl materials, at varying levels of age stages... Some receive the product better than others.

+1.  I've used each of the products/combos described in Dylan's video, on my factory matte stripes, with exactly the same results he got.  As in the video, I prefer BG followed by VRT.

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