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You know you're a detailer when....


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...women comment on the nice cologne you're wearing (Detail spray FTW)


... you do anything to avoid touching the paint when closing the doors or boot after a detail.



The cologne one is great. My wife pulls into the garage and says, "I smell you detailed your car today."

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...you wash, clay bar and wax your wife's rental car after she hit Bambi.


...you take your Brinkman with to pick up the vehicle from the body shop.


...you post up the pics of your car and your wife's on this forum to show the mess the "professionals" have left your car in.


...you take pics of cars you're shopping for then post them on this forum to again show what the "professionals" can do.

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You know your a detailer when you just washed the vehicle and parked it in the garage but got pulled away from finishing it because of x reason and you can't go to sleep until you go back out the garage to finish it at 12am.



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You know you're a detailer when you watch the crew washing new trucks and sprinter vans on the lot using not only a brush to wash the paint but the same one to clean wheels as well. Then you almost throw the wrench in your hand at them.

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