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You know you're a detailer when....


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Also when you cringe when you see this one


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36INDgfl3lc]Mud Brothers | Under the Blue Arch | Chevrolet - YouTube[/ame]



Our when you almost shed a tear for this poor guy

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfzdPoDV_Iw]Clean as a Whistle | Under the Blue Arch | Chevrolet - YouTube[/ame]

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Hey now, I don't wear the Crocs in public! But they beat house slippers or house shoes for sure!


Plus, when I get bored, I In and Out Spray the begeezus out of them.


When you detail your Crocs!:lolsmack:

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.....you walk into a candy shop and compare all the scents to your detailing products.


.... you kindly say "thanks, but no thanks" and lunge forward when a representative in a mall car park tries to sell a 'magical' spray on wax and proceeds to spray and dry wipe your car before a wash. (put your hands up and back away from the vehicle!)

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LMAO!!!! This thread is full of WIN!!!! So glad to know I'm not alone!!!! :D :D :D


You know you're a detailer when......

You're having a party or get together at the house. And part of "getting the house ready" includes getting the stable of cars clean......actually, it includes more DETAILING the stable than actually any house-driven chores. God FORBID your friends think you don't keep your cars in perfect condition!!!!!

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.....you walk into a candy shop and compare all the scents to your detailing products.


.... you kindly say "thanks, but no thanks" and lunge forward when a representative in a mall car park tries to sell a 'magical' spray on wax and proceeds to spray and dry wipe your car before a wash. (put your hands up and back away from the vehicle!)


They don't get spoken to. They get a look that implies, "Come near my truck with your rotten bottle donkey oil and you'll be dispensing that from your mouth like Pez."

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When you see an otherwise nice car and it appears to have had some spots of pitch or other contaminant on the paint. And the owner has rubbed on them so hard that it looks like they used steel wool or scotch brite. The spots are gone but the paint around it is destroyed and you think if only I could have got to this first.

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I know what ^THAT something is.


I hope you like half-eaten Whoppers.


I know you can "have it you're way" and my way isn't half-eaten!


Really, a couple of orders ago, I got a "hi Tim - Mook" on my box, that was great! I don't know if you remember meeting me in Norwalk, but if you do, I'm the one that looks like me. :lol:

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You walk out to your car at lunch time and you can still smell yesterday's Waterless Wash/Detail Spray from several feet away. :thumbsup:


You look at the vacation/time off schedule at the office to make sure you have two consecutive days available to give your soon to be purchased new car some Adam's loving.


You are in twice weekly manager's meeting and you look out the window and start detailing the cars in your head.

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When you go out at lunch time at work to see landscapers using blowers after cutting the grass in the parking lot blowing towards your car and you start swearing at them.


When you feel the paint after washing the car to see if it needs to be clayed again.


During stop lights you get out your micro fiber towel and start dusting off any interior piece you might have missed.


When you feel disgusted when you ride in someone else's ride.


When you ride in a car that clearly used armor all every where and there is streaks and blotches everywhere and you bite your tongue hard not to point it out to them.





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