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You know you're a detailer when....


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You know your a detailer when you don't even trust your wife with your microfiber towel!!!!!!!! Joseph I love that picture!!!


Haha! It is a funny one! I saw it and immediately knew where to post it :lol: I think like this every time I drive over a puddle of water from nearby road works.


You know you're a detailer when.... your girlfriend asks you on a weekend morning "Are you feeling alright?" you say "Feeling fine" which she says "Oh that's good I just didn't see you washing your car"


....when your girlfriend buys you an Adam's voucher for Christmas and you haven't spent it yet, just waiting for the right daily special!


.... you can be blind folded and guess correctly the make and model of the vehicle.

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It's 29 degrees out.

It's snowing.

You need to be at work in 3 hours, driving on snowy, salt-covered roads.

You crack out the buckets and give it a good wash any way!

(True story, just finished and have an hour to get to work:D)

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It's 29 degrees out.

It's snowing.

You need to be at work in 3 hours, driving on snowy, salt-covered roads.

You crack out the buckets and give it a good wash any way!

(True story, just finished and have an hour to get to work:D)


No pics...it didn't happen...lol!

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...your wife asks to use your Detail Spray to wipe down her hipster aluminum chair and she knows "it's the pink stuff that smells great," She also knows if you get it on the floor it'll make the floor slicker than snot on a baby's nose. Floor mopped immediately after.

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When the a$$ hole at autozone thinks he knows it all after you told him he gave you the wrong wiper blades and insists they're the right ones. Then he proceeds to place the wiper blades on your hood. And It takes everything you have not punch him in the face.

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