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You know you're a detailer when....


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... its only 9* when you leave for work, the roads are covered in ice, and the only thing you can think is "I wonder how my sealant is going to hold up to this?"


You know you are an Adam's customer when you don't. :)

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You tell your wife to be careful removing the snow from her car so she doesn't swirl the paint. She replies "yeah, that is the first thing I thought of." You then start to think "alright, I have her train..., oh wait, that was sarcasam"

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As someone in the Army that gets dirty every morning at PT, I will lay a towel over my seat and take my shoes off before I even get in. I get some strange looks, but that's why my interior looks like it does and theirs looks the way it does.



Another one:


If you have ever thought this to yourself as you watch someone else wash their car: "My RINSE water is better than what's in your wash bucket".

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After not detailing for a while you smell each of the products to get a whiff of the good ness...


"ya know the favorite saying around here "play stupid games win stupid prizes"? once someone does something, they have a whole lot of personal responsibility they need to eat. sometimes its lead flavored with a thin copper shell."

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….When you take a vacation day just so you can have a 3 day weekend to Detail

....When you hate to drive your vehicle because you just know it’s going to get dirty again

….When you check the Weather forecast, not just because of wanting to know the weather, but so you can plan your next detail accordingly

….When you take your classic car to a show and spend the entire time on edge because you are afraid of some kid with sticky hands touching your freshly detailed baby

....When you watch an episode of Overhaulin’ and you notice the swirl marks they left in the new car at the reveal, And you make a comment like “Man Chip Foose Needs Adams Products Bad!”

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...when it's 5* in your garage, you fill an empty bottle with Hot water, another with 50/50 Car Shampoo and Hot water, grab an old wash pad, and proceed to wash your windows in a wife beater, crocs, and board shorts.



True story.


Crocs? Really? :D

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...When you watch an auction on TV and think to yourself; I wouldn't pay half that amount based on all those swirls!!


...When you know that a strip wash and an IPA wipe down isn't a drunkin porno!

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....when you wife tells you she can see the swirls in the white paint of your newly purchased Silverado that you've owned for less than 3 hours.


....And you simply reply "Remember those swirls honey...because you will never see them again!" :lolsmack:

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Don't hate! The best detailing shoes for warm weather - the holes are nice for a quick shot of water to cool off your feet.


Sorry, not trying to hate, its just that I think Crocs make the Pontiac Aztek look good. :eek:

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Sorry, not trying to hate, its just that I think Crocs make the Pontiac Aztek look good. :eek:


I don't disagree at all, and used to give my friend who details for dollars a hard time for wearing them.

I got a pair for $8 on closeout (yellow - so they look like duck feet in a size 12! :lol:). They are butt ugly, but are great for my climate (and in my driveway). And I still shake my head when I see someone older than 9 wearing them out of the house.


So in keeping with this thread -


"You know you're a detailer when...." you will wear 'duck feet' shoes to work in!

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