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Posts posted by 8675309'SS

  1. My little daily got some decontamination today with Iron Remover, and a bit of protection with HGG. I still Love HGG ❤️ I know everyone has moved on, but it’s been Old Reliable for me. 

    (don’t mind that black mark in the second picture that’s just where a Delivery company-who-shall-not-be-named’s truck cuddled up to my car)



  2. If you are looking into waterless washes, you should also consider Rinseless washes.  It’s kind of in between a Hose and bucket wash, and a waterless wash.  Good for when your car might be a tad too dirty for just waterless. There’s a few ways to perform it, but I always use the “bucket of towels” method.  Plus you can dilute the product to make a waterless wash type spray.  Rinseless is my favorite product.  I’ve done rinseless and CS3 a few times, and it might be my new go to combo. If they can come out with Rinseless with the same tech as CS3, it would be awesome.


  3. 9 hours ago, Firebuff17 said:

    I don’t like it all that much either

    i have it figured out how to only see unread threads

    but there is no way to mark it read like I was before. 

    Try switching the theme to “Default“ and see if it doesn’t give you the option you are looking for.  I don’t use that feature, so I’m not sure if this is what you are referring to or not.  See screen shots I posted over here in this thread:


  4. 3 minutes ago, GolfR said:


    Ahh man that stinks! I've been pretty fortunate that mine are usually in good condition, but I've a few like yours.


    For recent stickers, I'm looking for the recent vivid release stickers, and also the round camo sticker from memorial day. But I'm open to any Adam's sticker that I don't already have!

    I’ll get a picture up In the next few days of my updated “for trades”.

  5. So I finally ordered the CS3 and used it this morning. Used it on my lightly dirty car with some rain drops still on from last night’s rain.  (It has HGG from about 4 weeks ago.) Color me impressed. Can we get the same tech in a “rinseless” type product? I like the concentrated stuff with the ability to dilute for different needs. 

    I know the argument is going be to just use the rinseless and CS3. But...but.....I’m not the only one who’s thought about this right?

  6. Washed my dad’s Vette for him. We’ve done some cruises the past few weekends, and he can’t do the crouching down to get the bugs in the grille. And the exhaust tips needed some attention.  Bugs are gross.  Bug jerky rehydrated is even grosser.  🤢 I found a whole one hiding somewhere in there that came out with my Adams Sidekick! Love that thing. Car probably gained 2hp with the weight reduction of the bugs.  The rest of the car just got a simple suds down with the rest of my Christmas car shampoo, and some Eco APC on the wheels and exhaust. It needs a good interior clean which I’ll probably do for him next weekend.
    Then I did a quick wash on the regal but no pictures.







  7. Continued a bit of work on the white car.  Got some decontamination done with Iron remover.  Then washed the black one and cleaned the interior before my driveway got full sun.  The impala has some love marks that need to be polished out. 😬  I wish my garage was air conditioned. 🙃  


  8. Thanks Chris, and Ray.  Rich, my family all worked for GM so I’ve stayed within their family of companies. But the lack of car offerings means the next purchase might go to a different manufacturer; unless I end up with another Camaro or go back to a truck. Im just not really an SUV person.  At any rate, it was time to replace the Astra and this one is pretty fun with its 259 HP and 295 lbs torque.  And it still floats over the bumps.  Still getting used to that floaty feeling. I’m accustomed to a sportier stiffer ride. I was looking for a 2018+ Regal GS with the V6, but they are hard to come by.
    Definitely need iron remover with this weekend’s wash and some clay bar love. 

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