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Everything posted by ZMAN024

  1. If you have an inline filter you should install it regardless of using the compressor for blowing out interiors or not. Moisture is one of the biggest reasons pneumatic tools fail.
  2. You also want to be careful using an air compressor on the interior, too. If the compressor's tank has any moisture in it and no in-line filter, you'll be forcing that moisture into your fabric seats, carpets, etc. The issue there is that the moisture is not clean and will contain whatever residue is in the tank....rust, particulate matter, etc.
  3. Hey, I have a dozen 16oz bottles of product that I wish were gallons. Maybe if I call and explain I mistakenly ordered the wrong size, they'll send me the gallons for no charge and tell me to keep the 16oz ones.
  4. I've found that it sometimes takes 2 or even 3 passes with T&RC to get all of the tire bloom (brown) off certain tires, especially if they've been treated with a protectant. You may want to try another pass with APC first and follow up with T&RC again. That should help break down any remaining tire protectant left from your initial application and allow the T&RC to do it's thing and remove the bloom.
  5. No harm from using H2O G&G if you are applying it to the rest of the car.
  6. You can clean your hex grip applicators with a shot of APC. Wet the applicator, apply APC and work it in with your fingers until it loosens the dirt and remaining wax. Then make sure you rinse thoroughly so the APC is completely removed. Set it aside to air dry completely before you store it in any type of sealed bin or box.
  7. Welcome to the group, Bryman . Post up some pics of your rides. We loves us some pics on this here forum.
  8. Just a thought......it's possible that the SW is working as expected. Water will bead up on perfectly clean paint without any protection / wax / sealant / glaze. You should be able to tell simply by rubbing your fingers on a freshly stripped section. It will feel "squeaky" clean if the protection was removed.
  9. Hahaha. I thought you got a new ride. Guess the next new one for you will be a replacement for the Caddy.
  10. C'mon Rich you know the rules...........pics or it didn't happen !!!!
  11. No worries. I'm guessing it would be an application of Brilliant Glaze on the exterior glass, but figured you might have spied something new in the hopper.
  12. Your order of operations looks to be correct. Strictly from a brand loyalty standpoint, I wouldn't recommend using Dawn as your strip wash, but I believe others do use it with no ill effect. It just so happens that Adam's is set to release a new product just for removing rail dust and other iron-based contaminants from painted surfaces, aptly named Iron Remover. In the mean time, you can use Wheel Cleaner diluted 1:1, or full strength if you're careful to remove it immediately after reaction and work out of the sun. Paint Sealant is a perfect next step once you have the initial prep work completed...steps1-4. PS would not be in lieu of G&G, but rather a great step in addition to it for added protection and durability. Check out Layering of Products in the Library Forum. Adam's will definitely keep your car looking above-average awesome.
  13. I agree with Shane on the Daily Driver as a great place to start. I would also suggest you grab some Brilliant Glaze to make the black paint pop if you choose not to go the Coating route. IMO, you can't go wrong with a Ceramic Coating. Maintenance will be simple once the coating is applied. If you do apply the Adam's Ceramic Coating, then you'll want to use Ceramic Boost as your maintenance top coat.
  14. I see the hood ornament is missing. So sad when that happens. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiAkYuB-KvaAhVDpFkKHUYOATYQtwIIKjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DW5OSFYNGPIY&usg=AOvVaw1xBkD0eoRAvhS8HCaeNlFR
  15. H2O G&G will last longer than VRT will on your trim. Either product can be used on top of the Trim Restorer. If you have the time to let it cure properly before getting wet, the Ceramic Trim Coating would give the longest protection.
  16. I wonder what is done to "Polish" the exterior glass in package #2 ? Any chance Adams is releasing a glass polish ? Inquiring minds want to know, Chris.
  17. Welcome to the group, Mike. Glad to have you on board.
  18. Welcome to the group, Julian. Consider yourself addicted. You're gonna love Adam's Polishes. If you don't get any Brilliant Glaze in your MB's, pick some up soon. It will really make those black vehicles pop.
  19. Welcome to the group strickland604. The MB will not be your last purchase, so prepare for the addiction !
  20. 3): I use Brilliant Glaze on the outside of my windows to follow up after cleaning with Glass Cleaner for a perfect, streak-free finish.
  21. I have the SG-28 (Blue) sprayer.
  22. I've had mine for over a year now and have had no issues. I just upgraded to an MTM SG-28 high pressure sprayer and I love it. I also grabbed some 1/4" quick connects to make set-up and tear down easier.
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