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What did you do today?


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Got up early, made breakfast, put a pork roast in the slow cooker , fixed the wheel on my lawn mower, mowed the yard. Washed my truck and it was looking so good, I decided to wash my BFs F350. He's never seen the difference Adam's products make and I didn't tell him I was washing his truck. Wash n Wax, H2O G&G, undercarriage spray, VRT, Tire shine and BAMMM! That was a good looking truck! Sorry No pictures this time.

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Rich, did you go to the Walmart in another town so your friends wouldn't see you shopping there?



That, and there's a better class of people there than in the one in my town.  Might sound like a snob, but believe me.............farmers are nicer than junkies.  


And I got to wash the daily driver today!!  

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Carla, without pictures it didn't happen...You don't have to lie to kick it! Lol


Got up early, made breakfast, put a pork roast in the slow cooker , fixed the wheel on my lawn mower, mowed the yard. Washed my truck and it was looking so good, I decided to wash my BFs F350. He's never seen the difference Adam's products make and I didn't tell him I was washing his truck. Wash n Wax, H2O G&G, undercarriage spray, VRT, Tire shine and BAMMM! That was a good looking truck! Sorry No pictures this time.

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Tried to order some stuff. No such luck. Says my PayPal shipping and billing address don't match

I had the exact same problem about a month ago, although I didn't really tell anyone because I thought it was an isolated incident. Hasn't happened to me since.

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Tried to order some stuff. No such luck. Says my PayPal shipping and billing address don't match


I had the exact same problem about a month ago, although I didn't really tell anyone because I thought it was an isolated incident. Hasn't happened to me since.


I was wondering why my some of my recent deliveries were made out to "John" and "Dustin." Thought it was another, more improved version of Mystery Boxes! ;)

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Watched a coworker writhe in pain in our lobby from a sudden onset of kidney stones. Our HR head drove her to the ER where she was admitted due to the size of the stones. She declined an ambulance ride with much cursing.


I've had them. They're not fun. And my wife has one they can't touch because it's just too big to do anything.  She lives with it and so far doesn't give her much trouble. But I sure don't want to have to try and pass another one of those things ever again. 

Today........found a leak under the bathroom sink that apparently has been there for a quite a while because it at the wood shelf beneath it.  So it was a trip to Lowes for a new faucet and a call to a plumber to have it installed.  Another day...........less dollars.  

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I hope the plumber didn't rake you over the coals.  You could have easily done it.  Some may not care to play with stuff like this.  But I do feel if people realized how easy a lot of the home repair stuff like this is, they would cringe at what plumbers charge.  Electrical is another one that is quite simple too, yet they charge an arm and a leg.  

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Just finished washing the BBQ Pit. It doesn't have clear coat so I can get a good shine and I need to figure out the best way to the stainless steel looking new again. OCDrifter, these pictures are for you :P








After the wash...








Feel free to drop that shiney BBQ trailer off to me for a weekend. It looks great and I like ribs Edited by SumBeach35
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Awoke to a CO spring snowstorm with VERY wet, heavy snow. Unleashed the snow blower on my neighbors' driveways (for which I was unexpectedly rewarded with some delicious chocolate chip cookies :drool:) and mine. Then ran some errands in the melting snowy mess, with the expected result of needing a wash. Now the decision - Rinseless or Bucket?


Well, my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy...in her car...2 blocks from the hospital. I'll spare you all the details but I will say that I'll be putting Adam's Carpet Cleaner to an all new test.

^^ Congratulatons, Yoshi! Won't be the last time he'll make a mess for which you'll need the cleaner...but hopefully the last you'll need it for that particular reason. :D

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