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Doomsday Preppers


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I have not seen the show, just the promo ads on TV, but I don't think any of those folks have gone through a hurricane or tornado. We prepare for hurricane season by having several days worth of water and non-perishable food items on hand, but we know that stocking up like that doesn't make sense when your house may not be there after the event! :willy:

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That guy should get an award for one of the world biggest scam artist. A bunker that has two feet of dirt on top is not going to save you from much, and the doors he's using are a joke. I also love the fact that they are not hidden well especially with white PVC pip sticking out of the ground, like that isn't going to raise question.


I have to commend that guy, stealing everyone's money now cause When the world goes to sh!t nobody is going to find that guy and sue him.


And I don't know about you guy but that guy just creeps me out, I can't believe people hand him 400+ k to build nothing more then a shipping crate with drywall :lolsmack:


Edit: wait are we talking about doomsday peepers or bunkers? I'm talking about the bunker show, I didnt know discovery had a preper show too?

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Caught the end of a doomsday episode this morning. Guy was selling condo units in what looked like an upside down silo, 250k each. Show had a stat that 41% of people think it is smarter to save/prepare for doomsday than it is to save for retirement, thought that was a crazy number. I think I missed the memo, I barely have food for 2 weeks. ha

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They don't know when the end is coming. Nobody does. If you're Christian, the Bible tells us that "ONLY God knows the end of days. Not the angels in heaven nor even His Son." So that alone should tell you that they're kookoonuts. But that seems to be the trend on TV these days. Make shows about all the nutty or sick people in the world.

Intervention, Hoarders, Doomsday Preppers, etc.

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They don't know when the end is coming. Nobody does. If you're Christian, the Bible tells us that "ONLY God knows the end of days. Not the angels in heaven nor even His Son." So that alone should tell you that they're kookoonuts. But that seems to be the trend on TV these days. Make shows about all the nutty or sick people in the world.

Intervention, Hoarders, Doomsday Preppers, etc.


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They don't know when the end is coming. Nobody does. If you're Christian, the Bible tells us that "ONLY God knows the end of days. Not the angels in heaven nor even His Son." So that alone should tell you that they're kookoonuts. But that seems to be the trend on TV these days. Make shows about all the nutty or sick people in the world.

Intervention, Hoarders, Doomsday Preppers, etc.


And the truth has been spoken. I know the lord will be taking me, so ill be stocking Adams detail spray before I stock canned beans and such pile up in my garage. Ha ha

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I always find the Christian doomsday preppers most amusing. Through out church and such I always thought when Jesus came back it's over and you either go to heaven or hell. Not it's over and if you've saved up a ton of spam and water you'll live on in hell on earth. Why would you want to anyway? Heaven sounds so much better then earth post doomsday.


I once met a doomsday guy. He had it all stocked up and ready and I asked him if he had guns. He said "no I don't like guns." To which I replied, good I have guns and if doomsday happens I'll just come to your house. :) I always wondered if he went out and bought a gun after that. It's nice to know that I can save for retirement and still have a doomsday plan. lol


In a more serious note, I wonder if Adam's will have a doomsday sale? I'll stock up on In and Out.

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I always find the Christian doomsday preppers most amusing. Through out church and such I always thought when Jesus came back it's over and you either go to heaven or hell. Not it's over and if you've saved up a ton of spam and water you'll live on in hell on earth. Why would you want to anyway? Heaven sounds so much better then earth post doomsday.


I once met a doomsday guy. He had it all stocked up and ready and I asked him if he had guns. He said "no I don't like guns." To which I replied, good I have guns and if doomsday happens I'll just come to your house. :) I always wondered if he went out and bought a gun after that. It's nice to know that I can save for retirement and still have a doomsday plan. lol


In a more serious note, I wonder if Adam's will have a doomsday sale? I'll stock up on In and Out.


He doesn't like guns?? So take your guns, shoot him, then you'll have the guns AND all his food etc. And if you don't...............some other desperate nut out there will.

What's he going to live on after the canned goods run out? Catch a rabbit with a string and a box and a stick? :lolsmack:

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I think some of you guys might have the Doomsday Prepper people misunderstood a tad bit.


Most of these people or prepping for economic collapse, natural disaster, etc. Not the coming of Christ.


There's nothing wrong with preparing for disaster. Even if they never get disaster, then who cares, now they have extra food, heating oil, etc. on hand.

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I think some of you guys might have the Doomsday Prepper people misunderstood a tad bit.


Most of these people or prepping for economic collapse, natural disaster, etc. Not the coming of Christ.


That was my point. Who cares that you had a months worth of food stored when a hurricane comes along and blows your house away.

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Maybe I am backwards in thinking, but I found the girl in Huston hilarious. She was so serious about us not having oil. TX is second to AK in oil extraction in the US. If anyone is safe it should be her since most drilling is done in/around her home town.


I find the show interesting, but I will not prepare for some collapse/ second coming even.

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Kinda going with Ryan on his point. It is one thing to be buying nucleur bunkers and another for emergancy prepardness. I have a week's worth of MREs, water, balnkets, etc. We are good for a week or two if we ration correctly. After going through the black out that took out half the east a few years ago I became a little more preparred. Come to think of it I should buy a hand coffee grinder. (I have a percalator and I only buy whole bean and no electricity sucks when you can't have coffee)

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I haven't seen the show so I won't comment about it. We live on the gulf coast and have been through a few hurricanes. Power was out for three weeks after Ike. We were fine. I can generate my own power. Stores were closed (they do that when they have no power and all their frozen goods thaw out) so you couldn't buy groceries. We were fine. We store and rotate a few months worth of groceries in the pantry. Are we crazy? I don't think so. Why do we do it? We lived through the first hurricane unprepared. I learn from my bad experiences. Don't want to repeat that. You will not see me on the news whining about suffering because somebody didn't take care of me.



Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk

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Kinda going with Ryan on his point. It is one thing to be buying nucleur bunkers and another for emergancy prepardness. I have a week's worth of MREs, water, balnkets, etc. We are good for a week or two if we ration correctly. After going through the black out that took out half the east a few years ago I became a little more preparred. Come to think of it I should buy a hand coffee grinder. (I have a percalator and I only buy whole bean and no electricity sucks when you can't have coffee)


I still think that was my electrician's fault. I live only a couple of miles from the plant that "caused" the blackout. I had my hot tub delivered that day and at the exact moment the electrician was in the basement making the final connection - bam - no power. I really thought he did something to my house, then started hearing about a little larger outtage. :)

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I still think that was my electrician's fault. I live only a couple of miles from the plant that "caused" the blackout. I had my hot tub delivered that day and at the exact moment the electrician was in the basement making the final connection - bam - no power. I really thought he did something to my house, then started hearing about a little larger outtage. :)


That son of a ......


Actually that is pretty funny. I was pretty grumpy when I couldn't get my coffee that week. We packed up and went to our family's house in northern Michigan where we have a lot of woods and guns, so food wasn't a problem.

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I watched probably 1 minute of this and changed it.


I'll die when I die. I don't want to be in a hole in the ground whilst everyone around me dies only to come out to pure devastation... Kill me! I'm OK with it. Really...

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