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Drying - spray DS on entire OR panel by panel



In a warm day, after washing, I use DS as a drying aid. Now, do you guys prefer to spray the entire car, then use waffle-weave towel to dry, OR spray a panel then dry (and so on)?


I was trying to decide because if I should spray the entire car, then dry, it might dry too fast and becomes less effective as a drying agent. I might have to use more product to reactivate the dry DS on the paint.




If I go panel-by-panel, then water might dry too fast on the paint, causing water spots.

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Same here...I mist everything and then dry with no problems. I also have a garage so I'm never drying in the sun and I also always wash my car towards dusk so it's cooler and getting dark by the time I'm drying. I did wash my sister's car today and noticed that the panels in full sun the DS dried with the water. The water/DS spots just buffed out. I honestly thought that was the purpose of misting with DS to begin with....to help PH balance the water and cut down on the chances of etching etc. I haven read about anyone having issues with DS drying...only with WCW.


This all comes with the disclaimer of I've been wrong before and could very well be in this case also.


Note: my sister's car was done at a coin op in NC and my house is in VA.

Edited by DonJuan692006
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