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Ok. I was fooled. Twice. Thought it was Photo Shopped. Now find out it's a model. I rescind my "slick paint" post ;)! Unless you coated it...



Knowing BRZN, he probably did coat it!

Paint is slick with no ceramic coatings, two coats of Patriot with a base layer of Brilliant Glaze, a second layer of Brilliant Glaze is sandwiched between the layers of Patriot, and one final layer of Brilliant Glaze as a top coat. :glasses:

That's on the real BRZN, the GMP 1:18 scale model in the picture just has some Detail Spray on it. LOL!

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Paint is slick with no ceramic coatings, two coats of Patriot with a base layer of Brilliant Glaze, a second layer of Brilliant Glaze is sandwiched between the layers of Patriot, and one final layer of Brilliant Glaze as a top coat. :glasses:

That's on the real BRZN, the GMP 1:18 scale model in the picture just has some Detail Spray on it. LOL!

Waaiiit a minute. Is your profile pic the model, too, and those are just tiny little trees?! I'll be darned if I get fooled 3 times. ;)

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Official total is 26.3" and counting at the national weather service station about 15minutes south of my location. I probably had 30"+ in my driveway. I'm 5'7" and I was walking thought snow waist high or higher with the drifting. Angle of the picture is from the landing of my stairs between 1st and 2nd floor. Have another 3-6 inches expected today



Edited by SumBeach35
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Plot twist: BRZN doesn't own a GTO, all his pictures are of the model.  :lolsmack:



This just. Got. Interesting. Has anyone ever seen BRZN and his car in the same place?! :secret:



Official total is 26.3" and counting at the national weather service station about 15minutes south of my location. I probably had 30"+ in my driveway. I'm 5'7" and I was walking thought snow waist high or higher with the drifting. Angle of the picture is from the landing of my stairs between 1st and 2nd floor. Have another 3-6 inches expected today




Just imagine it's foam from a Foam Canon and you may sleep a little better. Have fun shoveling/snow blowing/digging.......


I just got home today after being stuck at work the past two days. We got 21+ inches where I live in Pennsylvania. I was lucky enough to get a parking spot in the parking garage. These cars were not so lucky.



I can only imagine how the owners will clean those cars off. <Insert cringe here> Maybe throw an Adam's sticker under their windshield wiper...if you can find it...and your work number. Good Samaritan thing.




Keep the pics coming!

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We didn't get as much as you eastern PA guys did, only about 2 inches here from the initial storm. BUT yesterday and today brought lake effect snow and dumped a good 6 inches on top.  So while it's still not as much, it's still a pain. At least it was light and fluffy stuff so easy to snow blow, but the drifting has been an issue.  


Keep optimistic everyone..........Spring comes on Monday and it's all downhill from here.  

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I'd ventured out around 1:30 Tuesday afternoon to start cleaning up. Snow didn't look too bad until I got a shovel into it. The snow started to mix with sleet around 4:00am and smashed down, the probably, 20" we had to what you can see here, then the Hellish wind picked up with gusts up to 40mph. This stuff was back breakingly heavy, and obnoxious where there were drifts to move. I didn't finish until 5:00.


I was smart enough to go out for necessary supplies Monday evening; gas for the snow blower and two six packs of beer!

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Looks like it warmed up enough to melt whatever was left behind by the shovel and snowblower Dave.  I've been there and worse.  Snow just plain sucks no matter if it's a little bit or a lot. 

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I'd ventured out around 1:30 Tuesday afternoon to start cleaning up. Snow didn't look too bad until I got a shovel into it. The snow started to mix with sleet around 4:00am and smashed down, the probably, 20" we had to what you can see here, then the Hellish wind picked up with gusts up to 40mph. This stuff was back breakingly heavy, and obnoxious where there were drifts to move. I didn't finish until 5:00.


I was smart enough to go out for necessary supplies Monday evening; gas for the snow blower and two six packs of beer!

Three cars in the driveway. Not one of them orange. ;)


This just. Got. Interesting. Has anyone ever seen BRZN and his car in the same place?! :secret:

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Here's a pic of mine taken with a friend a few years ago. :) Mine's the one on the right...



Darn, the scandal of the year has fizzled out.


P.S. I really like that color!

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Mine is the one with the silver surrounds on the kidney grilles.



Yeah, right. Just another diversionary tactic. We all know this is a picture of two models...of different scales no less! 


Don't be surprised if I fire up Twitter about 3 AM and expose this bad scheme to defraud. Very bad. Very, very bad. Bad scheme. :D  

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