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Hello from Frederick Maryland!


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Hello everyone. 


I've always enjoyed detailing my cars, as much as I hate how sore I am the day after. I jumped on the Chemical Guys train like 10 years ago (when they had paper labels) and quckly learned its not about the brand, but about the products. 


Two years ago I started divining into other brands (my buddy was always an Adams guy) and I picked up some other stuff. Menzerna, Wolfganag, Poor Boys.


Just recently when Adams did the Mystery buckets I picked up two... So far Ive only used the Wheel Cleaner and the 4th of July soap... and Im sold


I still use my Menzerna and other products for polishing, but Im slowly making the switch and finding more Adams products I like. Shoot, I just ordered 4 more Mystery boxes!



The soap ROCKS. I dont know whats different about it. But just washing my wife's GTI, in direct sun, with hard Frederick city water - I had almost no water spots. Had a few run off drops that was more then acceptable. My coworker also commented about the new soap washing his black car as well. 


Anyway, here's my Subaru (the car that got me into the world of cars, detailing, and making friends.) and my... I mean my wife's GTI. I also have a Subaru Crosstrek, which has never been detailed. Need to get more new gear for that unless someone local wants to give me a hand.


Also, Subaru Ambassador checking in! Let me know if you have any Subaru needs, or questions :)


Oh, I am looking to buy a new polisher to upgrade from my Porter Cable.... Been eyeing the Rupes unless there's better recommendations. Just cant really swing spending $400 on something like that right now :(





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Welcome Charles!


When washing with Adam's shampoos you can leave the soap residue in place.  When the whole car is done, clean the wash media again, and reload it with soap, and 'reactivate' the residue with the new soap - you can do about 1/2 the car, reload with soap and do the rest.  With our warm weather this method really helps keep the water spots at bay.  Switching to Rinseless Wash can be even better, as you wash and dry panel by panel.


Th RUPES machines are excellent (I have a 15 MkII and a Mini) but the Adam's Swirl Killer machines are similar and less expensive ($379 with no discounts for a 15 and a mini vs. $399 for a RUPES 15).  And they are huge step up from the Porter Cable style machines!


Edited by mc2hill
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1 hour ago, mc2hill said:

Welcome Charles!


When washing with Adam's shampoos you can leave the soap residue in place.  When the whole car is done, clean the wash media again, and reload it with soap, and 'reactivate' the residue with the new soap - you can do about 1/2 the car, reload with soap and do the rest.  With our warm weather this method really helps keep the water spots at bay.  Switching to Rinseless Wash can be even better, as you wash and dry panel by panel.


Th RUPES machines are excellent (I have a 15 MkII and a Mini) but the Adam's Swirl Killer machines are similar and less expensive ($379 with no discounts for a 15 and a mini vs. $399 for a RUPES 15).  And they are huge step up from the Porter Cable style machines!


I only understood half of the whole "clean and wash media again." Can you explain in layman's terms lol?

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1 hour ago, MilesToEmpty said:

I only understood half of the whole "clean and wash media again." Can you explain in layman's terms lol?

haha. Adam's shampoo is great you don't have to worry about soap/ water marks. If it dries you will be fine.  You can apply any adampolishes shampoo on vehicle walk away go have the morning coffee. Come back and it will be ok. When you have to worry is when removing shampoo you have to have in mind with what are you drying it before sun heat beats you to it. 


Welcome to the forum Charles. :welcome:

Edited by wildcatz80
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3 hours ago, MilesToEmpty said:

I only understood half of the whole "clean and wash media again." Can you explain in layman's terms lol?


The 2 bucket method of washing is recommended by Adam's - a wash bucket with the soap and a Grit Guard, and a rinse bucket that contains clean water and a Grit Guard.  After washing a section, scrub the wash media (mitt, sponge, etc.) over the Grit Guard in the rinse bucket to remove the 'grime', then place it in the wash bucket to reload with soap for the next section.  


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49 minutes ago, mc2hill said:


The 2 bucket method of washing is recommended by Adam's - a wash bucket with the soap and a Grit Guard, and a rinse bucket that contains clean water and a Grit Guard.  After washing a section, scrub the wash media (mitt, sponge, etc.) over the Grit Guard in the rinse bucket to remove the 'grime', then place it in the wash bucket to reload with soap for the next section.  


Thanks! Yea I do the two bucket method. I need a new wash mitt though... was trying to use one of the sponges I got and smashed my fingernail onto the license plate... not doing that again lol.

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Welcome to the forum Charles.  Man, I hate driving 70 through Frederick .  Daughter lives just off exit 80.  Give the Swirl Killer a try for your polisher.  Good machines.  :welcomebanner:

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