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What could it be?

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Sealant that you apply as you dry.  It seems the short video for it was removed, but that might count as teasing.  I am sure it will be good.


Again... hasn't been seen by anyone outside of our offices. There hasn't been a single social media post, leak, discussion, or hint of what this is. Its been developed 100% off the radar to avoid competitors trying to jump our release.

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Plus this product comes with a pour top, not a spray.  Might be hard to apply as you dry.  Like the concept though.  Either way....looks like it'll be making its way into my arsenal.   Even if you'd presale with the above image...I'd buy it!!

Edited by KSRegalGS
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Plus this product comes with a pour top, not a spray.  Might be hard to apply as you dry.  Like the concept though.  Either way....looks like it'll be making its way into my arsenal.   Even if you'd presale with the above image...I'd buy it!!

Rinseless has a pour top too. That just might mean this product is diluteable not necessarily a gel like product.

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Is the color correct?  It seems thick, if you look at the top of the bottle there are bubbles held in suspension at the liquid line and it generally looks Shampoo consistency. 




It's Undercarriage color... I don't see a strip wash coming out so I wanna say some kind of dressing but there's already a new tire shine.


I'm gonna say Adam's new Interior conditioner/gel for Plastic/rubber/vinyl.

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A Tire/Trim gel that can be used straight on those, or diluted to be sprayable and used as an interior/exterior spray dressing would be great.


But it would also put Super VRT out of business as well as Tire Shine and Invisible Undercarriage Spray lol.  But I would love to see one product be able to do the same jobs as the 3 I mentioned.

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I could see them combining Undercarriage into this product.  That's probably their least selling product and if they offer a thick version that could be diluted for spray or applied directly for a shinier look it could work.  It wouldn't necessarily steal away from VRT since SVRT has a more matte look.


Plus a thick version to apply with a foam pad would be less messy for the garage/driveway floor and last a long time.

Edited by ForceofWill
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I could see them combining Undercarriage into this product.  That's probably their least selling product and if they offer a thick version that could be diluted for spray or applied directly for a shinier look it could work.  It wouldn't necessarily steal away from VRT since SVRT has a more matte look.


Plus a thick version to apply with a foam pad would be less messy for the garage/driveway floor and last a long time.


Agreed.  I don't dress my wells often maybe every 2-3 washes so my IUCS doesnt get used often.  I'll be using VRT Milk on them for now and giving the rest of my gallon away, it just doesn't get used, and to be honest I don't like having to wipe any overspray off the tires and/or putting newspaper down to avoid drips etc.

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Hmm..if it's something that's been 100% off the radar so competitors can't jump the release then it's definitely got to be something others don't have. So I have no idea what it could be. The liquid looks like a thicker liquid but I could be wrong. Definitely has my attention and curiosity. Is this something thats still along the lines of the color coded theme? I don't see if being related to wash because all the wash stuff is blue.

Edited by SJC96GT
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I was going to say bubble bath for the detailer but hmmmmm......you guys are probably more on the money than I am!  

I was thinking about buying bottle of the Undercarriage spray...should I be holding off on that?  


Looking at the picture again it has the old style squeeze top on the bottle...if it's thicker would it not have the new pump?  My squeeky wheels are trying to turn on this one!

Edited by kitt1987
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Still sticking with Tire Coating...


Or Trim Coating. Something with Trim or rubber... Since UCS is purple.

Dylan has mentioned testing both of those products though.


I wonder if the color could be there just to throw us off.

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I got it.  What two colors make purple?  Blue and Red.  The new shampoo is blue, but, what's red?  A machine glazing pad - and it's used with Brilliant Glaze.  So, it's a shampoo that contains Brilliant Glaze.  Or, as mentioned,  April Fools.

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