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Adams product as a weapon??


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True and funny story.


I went to bed about an hour ago. My roommate isn't home tonight so I put the dog gate in front of the front door.


As Kodi and I were drifting to sleep we hear a crash. I immediately thought someone broke in and knocked the dog gate down.


I jump up and think "what do i have for a weapon"...


Flat iron .....no way

Hair dryer .....no way


Aha !!! My Adams supplies were by my door. So i grab the first spray bottle and it was the glass cleaner.


I open my bedroom door and sneak onto the kitchen and got the butcher knife...Kodi and I searched and didn't see anything.


I go in my bathroom and checked the shower (what if he was hiding in there?). I see my wash cloth on the bottom of the tub. The noise I heard wasn't the dog gate but the suction cup falling with the rag!!!!!


I see gun training in my future then a gun. Man I love Adams but I don't think I'd win a fight. LOL


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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Obviously you need a foam gun. Bad guys should be easy to spot running away trailing all those suds!


because everyone has a garden hose in their house ready to go with the foamer Locked, Cocked, and Ready to Rock!

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My options were limited because I only had a few things in my bedroom.


The rest were out in the dining room which was not easily accessible.

When Matt got to my apt he found the knife on the window sill by the bed! HAHAHA

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You need to get Kodi a companion and then train him/her. I have 3 german shepherds and don't worry a bit about the house being broke into. My wife is into the protection sport and working dogs. I had never gone to watch them practice up until last spring and I must say it was amazing to see how well these dogs were trained. Some in the group have dogs that make police dogs look bad. Here is a couple of links to watch. This is a dog that is owned and trained by an individual in the group that my wife works with.



In the below link you will see the dog do what is called an "object gaurd". The trainer has instructed the dog to gaurd the red gas can and notice when the guy backs up the dog lets go. And when he approaches again he re-engages. Really amazing to see in person.


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My options were limited because I only had a few things in my bedroom.


The rest were out in the dining room which was not easily accessible.

When Matt got to my apt he found the knife on the window sill by the bed! HAHAHA


When I saw that knife in there I didn't know if she was going to take me out in my sleep or what! :willy:

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When I saw that knife in there I didn't know if she was going to take me out in my sleep or what! :willy:


I think you need too collect all the dangerous weapons when you arrive and give them back when you leave from now on. Since she has a knife in the window next to her bed.

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I think you need too collect all the dangerous weapons when you arrive and give them back when you leave from now on. Since she has a knife in the window next to her bed.


It was on the window ledge. If it was sticking out of the window then I would begin to question things! Plus I was sleeping beside it so she would of had to climb out of bed to go get it. I sleep pretty good but I always have one eye open :D

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