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You might be a detailer if...


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1)  You have ever called in sick to work because it was raining and your car was clean.


2)  Your microfiber towel collection cost more than your first car.


3)  With a blindfold on, you can identify 20 different products by only their smell.


4)  You regularly use detailing products to clean your house.


5)  Your neighbors are so used to seeing you wash in the rain/snow/subzero that they don't even look twice.


6)  Your detailing supplies and equipment are included in your Will.


7)  Your clean clothes get thrown in a drawer but your detailing towels are precisely folded and carefully stored.


8)  You have ever left a store or restaurant without stopping because you can't find a parking spot at least 50 feet away from any other car.


9)  Your wife is so tired of hearing about what is posted on Adam's Forums that she starts putting Benadryl in your dinner to make you fall asleep sooner.


10)  Even fellow "enthusiasts" think you are nuts, crazy, insane, and weird.


Now, your turn...

Edited by TheWolf
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11) You keep detailing supplies in your office to clean stuff at work.


12) You are constantly trying to find new things you can use your detailing products with such as shoes, boots, showers, etc...





I'd have more but #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 all apply to me. This kind of makes me depressed HAHA!

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11) You keep detailing supplies in your office to clean stuff at work.


12) You are constantly trying to find new things you can use your detailing products with such as shoes, boots, showers, etc...



I'd have more but #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 all apply to me. This kind of makes me depressed HAHA!


Good ones Jason!  :2thumbs:


But don't be depressed, these are all good things (except for the Benadryl, it is habit-forming).  :jester:

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Your family photo includes all your detail products lined up in front.




Way to go John!  First post and its awesome!  Welcome to the forum!


My family photo doesn't yet, but the next one just might.  :lol:

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13). You've looked at your grill and thought, "I bet Deep Wheel Cleaner would pull those spots off the side of that thing."  Then went ahead and taped off a test section....while burgers were still on.


Yes, my Sunday dinner this weekend.  I have a customer lined up for this Saturday but if they cancel, I plan on doing the rest of the grill.  Detailed write-up will be forthcoming.

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14) You use your motorcycle when it's raining sideways instead of driving your clean car.


15) When someone says he "waxed" his car you want to yell at him and ask what he actually did to it (sealed, glazed, waxed..)


16) You disregard everything somebody says when you learn he got his supplies at the local store

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16) You think it is reasonable to order 5 gallons of APC at a time because you'll use it by the end of summer


17) You call in sick to work on a nice day to detail your car


18) Even your car that doesn't run gets detailed as often as the one that does.

Edited by TheBurninator
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The towels for your car are better than the ones for your shower

As soon as I felt how soft the double softs were, I went and spent $100 per towel on new shower towels! Lol. No ****. Now when I travel even the nice hotels stuff is like sand paper!

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  • 9 months later...

You see enough dog hair to think a small yeti has exploded inside of a car.


You spend more time cleaning cars than you spend at home.


You can clean an entire car with dollar tree products and it looks like you used expensive products.


You go through a can of hot shine a day.


You always point out cars/trucks/SUVs that need to be detailed or ones you would pray they don't bring to your shop.


Getting a new pack of rags is like a small birthday gift!


You have to smell most the rags to see what you used it for last!

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