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I make a weekly trips to the local supply house for the kids, I do a lot of volunteer work for many organizations. This is the first time I remembered to capture my Kodak moment. This cart was small compared to the many visits since the beginning of February. I run the concession stand at a little league field. In this area these kids get down with the sugar lol. On Saturday's I make 40 plus breakfast burritos and they still want more. So this is a small trip to the store which I spent $438.39 and the bank locked my card for to many visits in one day lol.


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I make a weekly trips to the local supply house for the kids, I do a lot of volunteer work for many organizations. This is the first time I remembered to capture my Kodak moment. This cart was small compared to the many visits since the beginning of February. I run the concession stand at a little league field. In this area these kids get down with the sugar lol. On Saturday's I make 40 plus breakfast burritos and they still want more. So this is a small trip to the store which I spent $438.39 and the bank locked my card for to many visits in one day lol.

You struck a chord with me on this one, Joe. RUNNING to the old mobile home concession stand, which sat in the middle of the ballpark in the outfield, after little league games is one of my favorite memories as a kid. Win or lose, buying a pack of Big League Chew made everything that much better. It's amazing how cool a 10 year old can feel ripping open that package, laughing with friends, and shoving as much gum into his mouth as humanly possible. Ground Ball Grape was the best! :drool:


Thanks for that trip down memory lane... :)

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That's a Great memory Chris, your story reminded me of my favorite story, I'm sort of a legend down at the fields, many years ago someone stole all the leagues money and it almost went bankrupt. I had a friend lend us the money for the kids to continue the little league journey. Everyone in the community worked for free for a few years until enough funds were raised to sustain itself. I built a shelving system where they keep equipment on, the kids of 2001 wrote a message that year on the shelf thanking me for helping out the little league and it's still there today, so every year the story gets told.


As for my self I always enjoyed nachos lol, so every time I come down they better have hot nachos lol.


Where I work as a chef at a private house, there are about 10 kids ranging in age from seven and up. These kids are a bundle but very well behaved. Everyone always asks how do I manage all of them, I just tell them it's easy I know what they like and buy them what they want and that makes them happy happy happy lol.


Cheers to good memories.




You struck a chord with me on this one, Joe. RUNNING to the old mobile home concession stand, which sat in the middle of the ballpark in the outfield, after little league games is one of my favorite memories as a kid. Win or lose, buying a pack of Big League Chew made everything that much better. It's amazing how cool a 10 year old can feel ripping open that package, laughing with friends, and shoving as much gum into his mouth as humanly possible. Ground Ball Grape was the best! :drool:

Thanks for that trip down memory lane... :)

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I cleaned VRT sling, off of the driver side, (and re waxed it...buttery) took a while and then i got hungry, will do other side tomorrow. No pic of that.

And yesterday i did bug guts off the front end and had to re wax it (buttery style)

Looks good, Nick! I must add, though, VRT doesn't usually sling. A couple things may cause it, though, like an unclean surface (are you using APC or TRC?) or using too much product. What's your process?

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Went to the Adam's clinic at Grabiak's today with my brother.  Great show all the way around.  And the fact that Adam flew in for one night just to do the show surprised me.  It was good to see buddies Dan L, Chris, Ray, Dan T, and all the rest and catch up a bit. Plus I won a door prize, so thanks to Ray and Grabiak's for that. 

Afterward, came home, got the Vette and headed out to a cruise in in a nearby town, only it was a bust. 5 cars total so I didn't even bother parking.  Stopped at a bakery for some goodies, went to dinner, and then stopped at the Depot for a bit.  Full day and I'm beat.

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Went to the Adam's clinic at Grabiak's today with my brother. Great show all the way around. And the fact that Adam flew in for one night just to do the show surprised me. It was good to see buddies Dan L, Chris, Ray, Dan T, and all the rest and catch up a bit. Plus I won a door prize, so thanks to Ray and Grabiak's for that.

Afterward, came home, got the Vette and headed out to a cruise in in a nearby town, only it was a bust. 5 cars total so I didn't even bother parking. Stopped at a bakery for some goodies, went to dinner, and then stopped at the Depot for a bit. Full day and I'm beat.

What did you win?

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Looks good, Nick! I must add, though, VRT doesn't usually sling. A couple things may cause it, though, like an unclean surface (are you using APC or TRC?) or using too much product. What's your process?


So its been at least 3-4 weeks since my last bucket wash. When i did that, i used adams tire and rubber cleaner and scrubbed them. Applied 1 coat of VRT that day. And a 2nd the next day, a touch up coat if you will. And a 3rd coat last week. The day after the 3rd coat, i drove 175 miles in 80ish degree sun. The day after that, it was hotter around 90-92, i made the same drive back home, but this time it took 6 hours instead of 3 because of a fatal wreck and rush hour traffic etc etc. So once the road opened up, the pedal went down pretty fast So im wondering if heat, direct sun, then high speeds contributed? I'll get ya some pics tomorrow if you want of the passanger side.

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I learned some more soundgarden riffs on the guitar last night, some outshined. Gonna detail today as I just got in my mystery buckets and weather here is finally good, lots of rain yesterday.

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